
Meaning of Grade 1 Left Ventricular impairment?

Meaning of Grade 1 Left Ventricular impairment?
Most people on here are not doctors. I tried to run a search on this and found where you had asked it on Craigslist too. If it worries you then you should make the doctor sit down and explain it to you or go to another doctor. If your doctor is not willing to discuss you health with you then that is not a good doctor; you need to know about this issue and then you can have some peace of mind. What worries me is if the doctor cannot explain this to you then maybe the doctor is not really knowing what is happening to you.When your heart pumps, it has four chambers and two phases. The Left Ventricle is the chamber that pumps blood to the rest of your body The right pumps it to your lungs to pick up oxygen. Systole is the actual contraction. Diastole is the relaxation. To the ventricles arternate. Contract, then relax. Contract, then relax. The relaxing part allows the chamber to full with blood again so more blood can be pumped around. So putting this into laymen's terms, the part of the heart that is pumping blood to the body is having a little bit of trouble relaxing. Because it has trouble relaxing, it might have trouble pumping blood to the body. Now stop. this sounds scary, but it's not. This is merely a stare 1 problem. Now, if this was a stage 3, you might be in the hospital. I recommend that you listen to what the doctor says and everything should be OK!
best of luck!your condition is mild, that's what grade 1 means.

basically, your heart has to contract and then relax with each heart beat. the contraction helps the heart pump the blood in the left ventricle to the rest of the body, and the relaxation helps the left ventricle fill up with enough blood for the heart to pump with each beat.

you have a mild problem with your left ventricle relaxing. if it was serious, that would mean that your left ventricle was not filling up with enough blood.

but since your left ventricular filling pressure is normal, then things are ok. that just means that your left ventricle was filling up with the normal amount of blood.

your condition is mild, and so don't worry about it. i bet you're probably an older person, since they tend to have this problem.

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