
Does this sound like supra ventricular tachycardia or ARVD?

Does this sound like supra ventricular tachycardia or ARVD?
well u have some uncontrollable tachycardia since your childhood and it must be benign as you have it since age of 7. if u have a normal blood pressure during the episode it must be a supraventricular one. ARVD is rather nasty disease and it runs in families. diagnosis is impossible if u do not have ecg during the episode. alternative approach is to go for electrophysiologic study while using arrythmia provocation testing.It could be SVT, but there are other things, also. The 24 hour (or 48, or 72) monitor that you are wearing is a good test. You also need an echo (Ultrasound) while exercising, called a stress echo. And I would ask to see an Electrophysiologist, a heart doctor that specializes in the Electrical impulses. It sounds as if you have a serious, real condition. Good for you for quiting the caffeine, dope and cigs. Good Luck!I had a problem like this too over a period of 7 years - it lasted a second or two at first and I saw the doctor's so many times for it, by the time they got the tachycardia on an ekg- it lasted 3 hours and they were more freaked out than me... turned out I had a thyroid problem - and an inexpensive blood test would have picked up on it... so ask the doc to test you for thyroid function...or other things that cause this type of heart function... insist!!!

Hypokalaemia/long QT/Torsades de pointes
ecg ventricular tachycardia

Image by Popfossa

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