
Could this patient have survived?

Could this patient have survived?
I don't think the person would've
survived , and ididn'tt no any of the words you just mentionedd there lol x :L:LxxxxxxDepends. How long was the person in cardiac arrest before CPR was started? Was this a hypothermia situation? Or a drowning? Drowning, probably not. Hypothermia, slightly higher chances, but still probably not. Chances of surviving cardiac arrest are very slim. And when you say no reaction to defib, I'm assuming they remained in V fib? If they did, what about amio/lido?
If you can add extra details, I could give you a better idea, but I'd still ultimately say they probably would not have survived due to the fact that so few people survive.

I'm assuming finresus is "fin" meaning end and resus being short for resusciation. But I've never heard that before.It sounds like they did everything they could.

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