
can i stil exercise with Left ventricular hypertrophy?

can i stil exercise with Left ventricular hypertrophy?
This is the kind of question to which the answer means the difference between life and death. Don't you think you should ask YOUR doctor who knows YOU exactly?

I think it would be irresponsible of anyone to answer this question.The best and only person you should be asking this question to is your doctors, namely your cardiologist. He/she is most informed about your health and you should direct your question to them. If you don't have an appointment for awhile, give the office a call. Most times you will speak with a nurse, the nurse goes over the days questions with the doctor and the nurse will call you back. Of course, the more serious questions get answered first but you should get a call back in a day or two.

I've attached a link below for you to do some reading on your condition. They do recommend regular exercise as part of the treatment. But once again, only your doctor will know if your current work outs are proper for you to be doing with your health issues.so you are an athlete. i would not hesitate to think that you wont be having one. first of all your an athlete and would definitly be having LVH for your heart really pump those blood so that it would compensate on whatever sport your are doing.

i was thingking that is your still going to continue to have exercise it would help to lower your blood pressure as you have stated that you are now diagnosed having a severe hypertension. but its a NO NO.. i dont think youll be better if youd do exercise at this time. Left ventricular hypertrophy means that your heart gets bigger than it was not before. it also mean that if the muscles of that part of your heart is bigger.. it also means that the blood that should fill the left ventricle, is not the same amount of blood that should fill it in than before.. thereby if you have small volume of blood that should fill it in,you heart will pump out faster and faster and faster as for it would like to get the right amount of blood that it should.. until your heart gets really very tired and it might progress to heart failure...

hope you understand and hope my explanation with your concern really helps :)

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